Dragon quest builders 2 tv tropes
Dragon quest builders 2 tv tropes

It comes up that barely any members of the Children of Hargon actually know the "holy name" of the Master of Destruction, which is why the various members of the Children you meet don't take much note of Malroth at first. As a side note: the game takes that whole "Malroth is barely mentioned" thing from DQII and actually makes it a plot point.In the original game, he was one of Toriyama's far less inspired designs and wasn't terribly threatening (looking more like a low-tier Dragon Ball villain than anything) the Malhalla sequence repackages God!Malroth as a deific Reality Warper whose limbs can manifest out of nowhere and gouge out massive chunks of terrain, can manifest black holes which visibly suck blocks away into nothing, who can get big enough that his sheddings can be used as building materials, who can spawn "shadow fiend" versions of monsters that are pure automatons of Destruction and his proper god form is way more threatening than it ever was in DQII. Malhalla and the final sequences of the game in general also up his Villain Pedigree tremendously. Here, the Malroth you meet at the start is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold who gradually becomes friends with the Builder, and exactly what the Master of Destruction is, and what his relationship with the idea of Creation (as personified by the Builders) is, is a central theme of the game. Similarly, Malroth in the original game had basically no characterization whatsoever, being basically just being a big scary demon for you to fight at the end of the game since Dragon Quest I had established the tradition of needing a bigger foe at the end in the original game, and especially original English release, Malroth was barely even mentioned prior to his appearance.

dragon quest builders 2 tv tropes

  • In the original game, Hargon and his minions had absolutely no motivation for being opponents beyond "we're the villains" here, the nature of their Religion of Evil is expanded on tremendously and it deals with the way monsters in general tend to see themselves and their place in the world (and how Hargon exploited that).
  • DQB2 is pretty much "Adaptation Expansion For Dragon Quest II: The Game" and expands especially on Malroth and the nature of the Children of Hargon enormously.
  • Adaptation Expansion: Easily the single greatest example in the entire franchise.
  • dragon quest builders 2 tv tropes

    Female villagers will also pitch in during battles, with some specifically suited to combat. This switches over to Absurdly High Level Cap in the post-game, where the cap instead becomes 99. Furrowfield is a prime offender here, as players will most likely hit Level 10 halfway through the chapter, especially if you bother to explore at all. Given the fact that the player gains EXP for enemies that NPCs kill in addition to the ones they fight themselves, they are all but guaranteed to be within 2 levels of the cap by the time of each of the bosses.


  • Absurdly Low Level Cap: The game has a rising level cap, starting at 10 and then raising by an additional 10 at the beginning of the second and third chapters plus another 5 for Malhalla.
  • Abandoned Mine: Most of the second chapter takes place in an old mine, with the main goal being to revitalize it after the Children of Hargon closed it down years ago.
  • dragon quest builders 2 tv tropes

    The ship, however, is caught in a massive squall, and begins to come apart, with one Builder being pulled beneath the waves.ĭragon Quest Builders 2 contains examples of: This is to help further the cause of Destruction, the most central tenet of the Children of Hargon, and not at all to help them make a new base or ensure their ship doesn't sink. "Many moons" after the evil wizard's defeat, what few monstrous members of his Religion of Evil, the Children of Hargon, remain, take command of the one seafaring vessel still available to them and raid Cantlin in Alefgard for prisoners and slaves to help them survive, with a particular desire for capturing human Builders. Unlike the original Builders, however, this game does not take place in an Alternate Continuity but instead continues the story after the end of DQII, exploring what happened with the followers of Hargon after his downfall. The game is set in Torland, the world of Dragon Quest II.

    dragon quest builders 2 tv tropes

    It was also the final game Kazuya Niinou headed as director for Square Enix before moving on to join Type-Moon's BB Studio. It was released for Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch in Japan in December 2018, with a Western release following in July 2019. Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a Wide-Open Sandbox spinoff of the Dragon Quest series, and a sequel to Dragon Quest Builders.

    Dragon quest builders 2 tv tropes